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Cze 29

Jonathan Tyler & The Northern Lights

Z Jonathan Tyler & The Northern Lights, Quaker City Night Hawks oraz The Orbans w Granada Theater

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Piątek 29 Czerwiec 2012 o 20:00


Granada Theater
3524 Greenville Ave, Dallas, 75206, United States

Tel: 214-824-9933


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Jonathan Tyler is an American born rock and soul singer, musician, and songwriter who began performing at thirteen. His debut album, Hot Trottin(Jonathan Tyler Music/Indie is currently enjoying spin time on Austins KLBJ radio. The CDs single, GYPSY Woman, is quickly becoming a request line anthem. HOT TROTTIN is produced by Jonathan Tyler. Chris Bell mixed the album and the mastering was done by Sterling Sound.

Jonathan Tyler and The Northern Lights is composed of JT on lead vocals and lead guitar, Nick to the Jay on bass and additional vocals, Jordan Cain, on drums, Kansas on rhythm guitar and Mo Brown on additional vocals and tambourine. The band has opened for Chicago, Kool and the Gang, and Leon Russell.

BUY TICKETS HERE: http://granadatheater.com/show/jonathan-tyler-the-northern-lights/

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