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Cze 23

Shoegazing at the Hemlock

Z Whirr, Half String oraz 2 wykonawców więcej w Hemlock Tavern

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Sobota 23 Czerwiec 2012 o 21:00


Hemlock Tavern
1131 Polk Street, San Francisco, 94109, United States

Tel: +1-(415)-923-0923


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Kup bilety


Legendary and underrated shoegaze band Half String (Captured Tracks) has reunited to play a few shows in California this summer. Do not miss this event!

Also providing a rare California (and rare in general) performance are Slumberland Records heroes Lorelei!

Joining them will be beautiful, noisy, Bay Area-based shoegazers Whirr (Tee Pee Records) and psychedelic noise pop-sters Moonbeams.

Mike Schulman of Black Tambourine/Slumberland Records will be DJing!!!!

This is sure to be unforgettable! Check back here for updates!

9 pm! 21+! $7!

Występuje (4)

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