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Środa 27 Czerwiec 2012 o 19:30


State Theatre
805 Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis, 55402, United States


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From Hennepin Theater Trust:
"Dream Theater has steadily achieved a synthesis of soaring and unmistakable melody and progressive instrumentation unrivaled within hard rock music. The legacy established throughout their virtuosic career of aesthetic alchemy has made their very moniker synonymous with the power of talent, ability and momentum when brilliantly forged together. As the world around them transitions toward an uncertain destiny, Dream Theater refashioned a way forward from the molten hot iron of their own internal transition to create the career-defining album A Dramatic Turn of Events. It is an album crafted with studied persistence and possessed by newfound freedom and free-flowing invigoration, striking the perfect balance between Dream Theater’s intimate history with all that is heavy, progressive and melodic. Longtime fans of the band intrigued by the speediness of the notes on display from Dream Theater have much to study on the new album, while fans of melodic hooks will find equal pleasure within the songs."

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