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Maj 3

Bedrock - Season Finale

Z John Digweed oraz Jozif w XOYO

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Czwartek 3 Maj 2012 o 21:30


32 Cowper St, London, EC2A 4AP, United Kingdom

Tel: +44.(0)207.729 5959


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Following three outstanding sell out events at XOYO, Bedrock returns to the basement club on Thursday 3rd May for our final party at the venue before our summer break. The response to our events at XOYO has been phenomenal so far and we look forward to hosting our season finale with residents John Digweed and jozif both playing extended sets. Limited advanced tickets are on sale now and expected to sell very quickly. We will soon announce our summer activities with massive plans on the horizon!

Click here for Bedrock May tickets:

Limited tickets available on the door

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