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Demdike Stare, The Sight Below, No UFO's

Z Demdike Stare, No UFO's oraz The Sight Below w H.R. MacMillan Space Centre

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Czwartek 3 Maj 2012


H.R. MacMillan Space Centre
Vancouver, Canada

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DEMDIKE STARE will be coming in from the UK to make their first appearance in Vancouver, on Thursday, May 3rd, 2012... at the Planetarium! Seriously, this is taking place at the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre, a.k.a the Planetarium, inside of the star theatre - what better place for total immersion in carefully curated visuals, not to mention some of our favourite sounds to emerge from anywhere over the past couple of years! This is a limited capacity venue + tickets will likely sell out in advance, so stay tuned for details.

Występuje (3)

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