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Sobota 5 Maj 2012 o 19:30


The Miller
96 Snowsfields Road, London, SE1 3SS, United Kingdom


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This month we celebrate the best of new instrumental post rock, shoegaze and post metal with some amazing discoveries. Come and see for yourself.

Instrumental heavy band from Guildford, who know how to keep you enthralled with compelling buildups that collapse against powerful riffs. Having just released their new EP Elements and having supported Tacoma Narrows Bridge Disaster and Lost In The Riots after being spotted at previous Facemelters, we're grateful to be having them back on the bill.

An impressively tight instrumental progressive rock 4 piece, who combine beautiful sprawling melodies with jarring metal riffs. Odd timings, quirky sequences and spaced out effects make for one hell of an experience. After a great performance at our 2nd Birthday Festival we know that we'll be in for a great show by these boys from Colchester.

Newcomers to The Facemelter. Performing stunning ambient works made up of dense textures of guitars, stark rhythm sections and emotive lyrics. With several EPs out on Blindsight Records we can't wait to be immersed in their haunting sounds.

Brand new high-octane post hardcore band from south London. With frantically energetic riffs, melodic guitar lines and righteous breakdowns, you can see so many influences you love cracking open the melting pot and spilling over the stage.


£4 advance

£5 on the door

The Miller is a 5 minute walk from London Bridge through Guy's Hospital.

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