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Lip 18

Festival Mozaic's Notable Encounter Insight

Z Dale Barltrop w Studios on the Park

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Środa 18 Lipiec 2012 o 18:00


Studios on the Park
Paso Robles, United States

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Czech Nationalist composer Bedrich Smetana had an inspired artistic career despite a life tempered with revolution and tragedy. Forced to spend most of his life in exile from his native Bohemia, he faced deafness at the end of his career like Beethoven before hi,. During this time of deafness, he composed "From My Life" to paint a "tone picture" of his life. Join Dale Barltrop and friends for an exploration of this emotional, and highly technical string quartet.
Artistry in Adversity: Bedrich Smetana - String Quartet No. 1 in E minor, "From My Life"

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