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Lip 14

Festival Mozaic's Notable Encounter Brunch

Z John Novacek w Christopher Cohan Center for the Performing Arts

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Sobota 14 Lipiec 2012 o 11:00


Christopher Cohan Center for the Performing Arts
San Luis Obispo, United States

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Like Mozart before him, Korngold was a child prodigy who found renown and fame in Europe. Unlike Mozart, Korngold lived in the golden age of Hollywood, and after he moved to the US in the 1930s, he became a film composer for films like "The Adventures of Robin Hood" and "The Sea Hawk" while still finding time to write serious classical music. Join Festival artists for a champagne brunch and then sit back while pianist John Novacek acts as tour guide behind the score of this fascinating quartet by this distinctly 20th century composer.

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