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Cze 30

STG Presents: Tommy Emmanuel

Z Tommy Emmanuel w The Paramount Theatre

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Sobota 30 Czerwiec 2012 o 20:00


The Paramount Theatre
911 Pine Street, Seattle, 98101, United States

Tel: (206) 467-5510


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Two-time Grammy nominee Tommy Emmanuel is one of Australia’s most respected musicians. The legendary guitarist has a professional career that spans almost five decades and continues to intersect with some of the finest musicians throughout the world. A household name in his native Australia, Tommy has garnered hundreds of thousands of loyal fans worldwide. Tommy’s unique style – he calls it simply “finger style” – is akin to playing guitar the way a pianist plays piano, using all ten fingers. Rather than using a whole band for melody, rhythm, bass, and drum parts, Tommy plays all that – and more – on one guitar. Guitar legend Chet Atkins was one of the first to inspire Emmanuel to try this “fingerpicker” style as a child. Decades later, Atkins himself became one of Emmanuel’s biggest fans.

Tickets- $32-$42

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