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Piątek 27 Lipiec 2012 o 19:00


Granada Theater
3524 Greenville Ave, Dallas, 75206, United States

Tel: 214-824-9933


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The members of Eleven Hundred Springs can't find an easy way to describe their music, so they've taken to labeling themselves instead. But long-haired, tattooed hippie freaks; doesn't accurately convey the Dallas-based quintet's appearance, much less its finely whittled sounds. Forced to try again, they resort to spouting this equation: Buck Owens x Doug Sahm x Rolling Stones x Willie Nelson. Here's what it really is: original Texas country music in the Americana vein played with respect for esteemed elders but without falling into a time warp. It really has nothing to do with sounding like any particular act or style. The bandmates just do what sounds good to them. And they've learned it sounds pretty darned good to others as well.

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