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Sobota 5 Maj 2012 o 19:00


The Prague
911 High Street, Thornbury, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

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A night of a unique mix of dark music.

CATACOMBS are a melodic death metal band from Melbourne's South East.

INTERNAL HARVEST are an experimental dark metal/shoegaze project expressing intense themes of personal struggles, self destruction, sorrow and inner pain and suffering via a unique and often misunderstood musical formula.

DEATH OF ART are an electronic act fused with elements of rock and classical music. Their performance is confronting and captivating with songs about empowerment and overcoming self-sabotage.

THE CREPTTER CHILDREN are an Australian pop metal band that originated in Perth by founding members Iballa Chantelle & N8OR in late 2005. They are renowned for their high-energy performances, catchy song hooks and dark fashion sense. Described as nightmares put to sound, The Creptter Children will leave a scarring impression to all lovers of music who adore the gothic, horror and pop culture.

MARDRAUM are an up and coming four piece blasphemic black metal band from Melbourne.

Entry $10

Doors 7.30pm

Mardraum 8.00pm - 8.30pm
Creptter Children 8.50pm - 9.30pm
Death of Art 9.50pm - 10.30pm
Internal Harvest 10.50pm - 11.30pm
Catacombs 11.50pm - 12.30am

CATACOMBS - https://www.facebook.com/Catacombsaus
INTERNAL HARVEST - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Internal-Harvest/113299232025492
DEATH OF ART - https://www.facebook.com/DeathofArtMusic
THE CREPTTER CHILDREN - https://www.facebook.com/thecreptterchildren
MARDRAUM - https://www.facebook.com/MardraumOfficial

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