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Sie 21

Passion Pit

Z Passion Pit w Esplanade Concert Hall

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Wtorek 21 Sierpień 2012 o 19:30


Esplanade Concert Hall
1 Esplanade Drive, Singapore, 038981, Singapore

Tel: +65 6828 8377


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American electropop band Passion Pit is going to Singapore this coming August! The band known for their hit singles “Sleepyhead” and “Better Things” will be make their way to the Lion City in support of their upcoming album in June 2012. Let’s go!

This band from Cambridge, Massachusetts consists of Michael Angelakos, Ian Hultquist, Ayad Al Adhamy, Jeff Apruzzese, and Nate Donmoyer. So much love and raves for their Chunk of Change EP back in 2008 and one year later their debut album Manners was released. Passion Pit even managed to grab a spot at Glastonbury in 2009 and is definitely one of the most exciting acts to watch live. You do not want to miss this!

Passion Pit Live in Singapore
Date: 21st August 2012 (Tuesday)
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Esplanade Concert Hall
Tickets: $48, $69, $88 and $98 (excl SISTIC fees).
Promoter Greenhorn Productions will make an announcement as to when tickets go on sale so stay tuned!

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