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Maj 27


Z Childish Gambino w The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas Boulevard Pool

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Niedziela 27 Maj 2012 o 20:00


The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas Boulevard Pool
3708 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, 89109, United States


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Childish Gambino released his Glassnote Records debut album CAMP on November 15th, 2011 and has emerged as one of the most exciting young talents in music. Landing at #11 on the Billboard Top 200 Chart and #2 on the Billboard Hip-Hop charts, CAMP has received critical acclaim from publications such as The Source, XXL, Entertainment Weekly, Rolling Stone, NPR and more. Childish Gambino, with his unique blend of hip-hop genres and lyrical genius, has gone from a viral cult following to a mega sensation. The New Yorker praises, “With a vocal attack reminiscent of Pharcyde’s Bootie Brown, Glover delivers rapid-fire stream-of-consciousness one-liners, along with in-depth and intelligent assessments of the recording industry, fame, and fortune.”

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