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Cze 23

Van Dyke Parks with Britten Sinfonia + special guests

Z Van Dyke Parks, Britten Sinfonia oraz 3 wykonawców więcej w Barbican Centre

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Sobota 23 Czerwiec 2012 o 19:30


Barbican Centre
Silk Street, London, EC2Y 8DS, United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)20 7638 8891


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A special one-off show to coincide with the long-awaited reissue of three of Van Dyke Parks' most visionary albums.

Performing a career-retrospective set featuring full orchestral accompaniment from the Britten Sinfonia, Van Dyke Parks will be joined by an astounding line up of special guests soon to be announced. If you don’t know Van Dyke Parks, now is the chance to immerse yourself in a uniquely eclectic and daring landscape

Parks may be best known for penning the lyrics to The Beach Boys’ legendary sixties masterpiece Smile; more recently his arrangements helped shape Joanna Newsom’s epic album Ys. But the true riches of Parks’ talent lies in his first three solo albums, Song Cycle (1968), Discover America (1972) and Clang Of The Yankee Reaper (1975).

His trio of acclaimed records defined Americana decades before the term was ever invented. An expansive Americana that didn’t merely tap the post-war roots in folk and country music that we expect from the genre, but an all-embracing vision that included ragtime, vaudeville, jazz, bluegrass, psychedelia, classical and calypso, unified by a singer-songwriter spirit as much in line with Randy Newman and Harry Nilsson as Park’s collaborator Brian Wilson.

Bella Union will release Song Cycle , Discover America and Clang Of The Yankee Reaper in June 2012.

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