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Maj 5

Night of Hope featuring David Cook

Z David Cook w State Theatre

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Sobota 5 Maj 2012 o 18:30


State Theatre
220 N. Washington St., Falls Church, VA, 22046, United States

Tel: (703) 237-0300


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Please join us for the Night of Hope Benefit , a cocktail style reception featuring a moving program and intimate storyteller’s style acoustic performance by platinum selling musician David Cook. The Night of Hope will celebrate the brain tumor community, with proceeds benefiting the Race for Hope - DC, and honor Children’s National Medical Center’s Heroes for Hope.

We are thrilled to be able to include this rare acoustic performance by David Cook. In honor of his brother’s courageous battle against the disease, David has been a staunch supporter of the Race for Hope - DC since 2009. Now in its fifteenth year, the Race for Hope - DC is one of the country’s largest fundraisers for the brain tumor community and benefits two nonprofit organizations, Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure and National Brain Tumor Society.

Ticket Levels
Night of Hope Main Floor - $100 Ticket Includes: Complimentary hors d'oeuvres and one (1) drink ticket. Also allows access to standing room only VIP section in front of the stage for the David Cook performance. Full bar and menu also available for purchase.
Night of Hope Balcony - $50 Ticket Includes: Theatre style seats in the upper balcony of the theatre. No food or beverage included in ticket price, but access to full menu and cash bar.

Attire: Cocktail

All ticket proceeds benefit the Race for Hope- DC.

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