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Lip 14

Bad Habits @ The Underworld Camden

Z Bad Habits w The Underworld

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Sobota 14 Lipiec 2012 o 18:00


The Underworld
174 Camden High Street, Camden, NW1 0NE, United Kingdom

Tel: +44-(0)20-7482 1932


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Bad Habits is ‘Mr.&Mrs. Rock’ (Goth, Punk, Metal, Blues… call it what you like) Red&Glo Butane and their trusty musical partner Santos El Diablo…

In 2001 Glo dug Red out of the grave of an old churchyard and gave him the bite which resurrected him from the dead. Red then called on Santos El Diablo for hard hitting grooves, throwing Glo out in front with lead vocals and driving bass along with Red’s screaming guitars and vocals calling all skeletons out from their crypts. This is how the Bloodlust of Rock N’ Roll begins, so stick us on (anywhere and everywhere) and call the emergency brigade you’re going to need them for the mayhem!

Made up of 3 unique Characters: a 999year old half vampire half human Man who has the blood essence of every major military figure in history flowing through his veins, the son of the devil who is trying to win back his redemption from his unfortunate birth and an invincible east meets west warrior princess who keeps the peace between the other 2 so that they can protect the world from untold evil in its many guises and disguises…

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