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Lip 21

Ringo Starr and His All Starr Band

Z Ringo Starr, Gregg Bissonette oraz 5 wykonawców więcej w Greek Theatre

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Sobota 21 Lipiec 2012


Greek Theatre
2700 North Vermont, Los Angeles, 90027, United States

Tel: 323-665-5857


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HearSay Live Review: Ringo Starr and his All-Starr Band, final show at the Greek…

23 Jul 2012, 01:04 (edit | delete)
Sat 21 Jul – Ringo Starr and His All Starr Band

August 16th will mark the 50th anniversary of Starr's joining the Beatles, although he probably won't be doing much to celebrate. "It was a wonderful time," he was quoted, "but it was so long ago. I'm doing this now." "This" is the 12th incarnation of Ringo Starr and his All-Starr Band, which wrapped up its five-week U.S. tour Saturday at the Greek Theatre, and I was lucky enough to catch the show. I'd never seen him, and was curious to find out if he still had the stamina to make it through a full set, and being their were no openers, I'd hoped we'd be in for a long evening-given the amount of hits between the artists.

I'm really going to try to get through this review without using the lazy, tired, and painfully obvious cliche of mentioning how he "got by with a little help from his friends," yuk, yuk....

To read the rest of my in-depth review of Ringo Starr & His All Starr Band's last show of his 2012 U.S. tour and see the video, please go to:

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