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Cze 5

Young The Giant at The Cotillion

Z Young the Giant w The Cotillion Ballroom

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Wtorek 5 Czerwiec 2012 o 20:00


The Cotillion Ballroom
11120 West Kellogg, Wichita, 67209, United States

Tel: (316) 722-4201


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Young the Giant is a band that has meticulously written and crafted songs together for three years, lived out of shared bedrooms and messy suitcases for two years, and hopped on and off of planes, buses, vans, cars and their beloved bicycles for over one full year, having played more than 160 shows in the past 365 days on 3 different continents.

Young The Giant 8pm Tuesday, June 5. Doors open at 7pm. Advance tickets on sale 3/9 for $16.50. DAY OF SHOW - $20. Tickets available at The Cotillion, 316-722-4201, thecotillion.com and the employee clubs. No service fees for tickets purchased at The Cotillion open 8a-6p Mon- Sat.Young The Giant

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