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Lip 1

The Toy Hearts

Z The Toy Hearts w The Half Moon

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Niedziela 1 Lipiec 2012 o 20:00


The Half Moon
93 Lower Richmond Road, London, SW15 1EU, United Kingdom

Tel: +44-(0)20-8780 9383


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The Toy Hearts are one of the uk's hottest acoustic acts right now, their style of music neatly placing them at the forefront of the resurgence of interest in folk and Americana music. 2010 saw this hard working band touring across the uk Europe and the usa. The culmination of their work so far being the national release of their third album "Femme Fatale" in September, which was recorded in Nashville TN earlier in the year. Fronted by sisters Hannah (mandolin) and Sophia (guitar), accompanied by banjo/dobro, bass and fiddle, the band draws upon the genres of Bluegrass, Western Swing and Gypsy Jazz for inspiration. By combining original songwriting, sweet sister harmonies, hard driving rhythms and energetic performances, The Toy Hearts have developed a truly unique sound that leaves their audiences breathless and ready for more!

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