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Kwi 14

Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson Plays 'Thick as a Brick'

Z Jethro Tull w Perth Concert Hall

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Sobota 14 Kwiecień 2012 o 19:30


Perth Concert Hall
Mill Street, Perth, PH1 5HZ, United Kingdom

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19:30 start, doors from 19:00.

Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson commemorates the 40th anniversary of his Jethro Tull album, Thick As A Brick, with this concert which will also introduce a new record. The first half of the show will consist of the original No 1 Billboard chart-topping Thick As A Brick album in its entirety performed as per the original recording, with a few surreal and humorous theatrical interjections! The second half will feature the new work plus there will, of course, be some other Jethro Tull hits thrown in for good measure!

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