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Wrz 22

30 Years Of Thunder Tour

Z W.A.S.P. w HMV Picture House

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Sobota 22 Wrzesień 2012 o 18:30


HMV Picture House
31 Lothian Road, Edinburgh, EH1 2DJ, United Kingdom

Tel: +44-(0)131-221 2280


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Twenty Nine years ago today, on September 21st 1982, W.A.S.P. played their first show at the Troubadour in Los Angeles.

On September 21st 2012 W.A.S.P. will begin the “30 Years of Thunder” anniversary Tour starting in the United Kingdom and continue Worldwide!!

This World Tour will be the biggest spectacle W.A.S.P. have ever created. The two hour show will consist of three parts. A one hour set contain songs from the first four albums. The second set will be a 25 minute shortened version of “The Crimson Idol” complete with the movie accompaniment. A third set will consist of material from the New Studio Album, older material and everything in between. This show will see multiple video screens, pyrotechnics, and elements from the early W.A.S.P. shows (maybe even an exploding cod piece) and Blackie’s moving microphone stand “Elvis”!

Set list:-
On Your Knees / The Torture Never Stops
The Real Me
L.O.V.E. Machine
Wild Child
Hellion / I Don't Need No Doctor / Scream Until You Like It
Sleeping (in the Fire) / Forever Free
The Headless Children
I Wanna Be Somebody
The Titanic Overture
The Crimson Idol Medley
The Idol
The Great Misconceptions of Me
Drum Solo
Chainsaw Charlie (Murders in the New Morgue)
Take Me Up
Encore 2:
Blind in Texas

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