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Maj 12

STG Presents: Seattle Rock Orchestra Performs the Beatles

Z Seattle Rock Orchestra w Moore Theatre

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Sobota 12 Maj 2012 o 20:00


Moore Theatre
1932 2nd Ave, Seattle, 98107, United States


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Seattle Rock Orchestra performs The Beatles’ Rubber Soul and Revolver in their entirety. Unlike preceded records, both albums were recorded with ample studio time and increased creative control; allowing the band to develop their sound, explore new genres, and experiment with new techniques.

At a time when most albums were just a collection of singles, Rubber Soul and Revolver are often cited as the first to treat the format as a larger artistic statement. Ambitious song-writing, expanded instrumentation, and larger vision, of these Beatles’ records, inspired contemporaries and generations of musicians to elevate music from entertainment to art.

Featured songs include “Drive My Car”, “Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)”, “Michelle”, “Eleanor Rigby”, “Here, There and Everywhere”, “Good Day Sunshine”, “Got to Get You Into My Life” and more.

Matinee showing Sunday May 13, 2012, 2pm

Tickets: $18

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