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Cze 24

The Beach Boys

Z The Beach Boys, Al Jardine oraz 4 wykonawców więcej w Nikon at Jones Beach Theater

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Niedziela 24 Czerwiec 2012 o 19:00


Nikon at Jones Beach Theater
1000 Ocean Pkwy, Wantagh, 11793, United States

Tel: (516) 221-1000


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The Beach Boys’ have reunited for a global 50th Anniversary tour and added some more dates after their Beacon Theater shows in May sold out in 20 minutes - the reunited band announced this morning that it will hit Nikon at Jones Beach Theater on June 24! http://BEACHBOYS.jonesbeach.com

The current tour, which starts in April, is the first Beach Boys tour to include Brian Wilson, Mike Love, Al Jardine, Bruce Johnston and David Marks in more than two decades. The band is also working on an album of new material for release this year, along with several reissues of their classic catalog.

Występuje (6)

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16 wybrało się

4 zainteresowane


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