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Lut 24

DIY Night at The Lounge Bar, Alton

Z Observing the Ghost, I Know Kung Fu oraz 2 wykonawców więcej w The Lounge Bar, Alton

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Piątek 24 Luty 2012 o 19:00


The Lounge Bar, Alton
Hampshire, United Kingdom

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DIY Night is in progress! For more information on what this is about, have a look at our note here:


The basic concept for those that don't want to read long notes is that we get the sound set up and standardised before the gig, the bands are local and play for free and so we have a lower cost for the gig. Therefore, we charge £1 entry so that you can come and watch bands, buy more drink and have a good time. Anything falling short of expenses we will cover ourselves.

Występuje (4)

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1 wybrała się


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