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Cze 4

Diamond Jubilee Village Day with The Mangledwurzels

Z The Mangledwurzels w Ruishton Playing Field

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Poniedziałek 4 Czerwiec 2012 o 14:30


Ruishton Playing Field
Taunton, United Kingdom

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An Diamond Jubilee Village Show with Wurzels-flavoured, cider-fuelled Scrumpy & Western entertainment from The Mangledwurzels! The Mangledwurzels are a three-piece Scrumpy & Western band based in Somerset writing and performing in the style of Adge Cutler. Formed in early 2005, the band has established themselves across the West Country with their highly entertaining live performances blending classic Wurzels songs with self-penned original compositions and pop standards 'Mangled' in true Wurzels tradition.
All day event; The Mangledwurzels will be on stage from 2.30pm.

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