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Piątek 2 Marzec 2012 o 22:00


Overtoom 301, Amsterdam, 1054 HW, Netherlands


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… Hieroglyphic Being is coming to bust up Amsterdam! Get ready!!

+ † +

Mathematics Records boss /ultra prolific producer, Jamal Moss, comes to town for the first time in 6 years!!! We really cannot wait for this! He’ll be playing a lengthy LIVE & DJ set taking us into the new age with the spirit of St. Hardy never far away…

Also on the bill is Stellar Om Source (Big Love, Olde English Spelling Bee, Human Ear), our Antwerp based pal who’s been honing her awesome live sets and is bringing the full hardware setup to the 301…

DJ support comes from the Club 4 Reel residents…

Rush Hour Record Store, Amsterdam will be selling the tickets for pre-sale

Club 4 Reel
Friday 2nd March
Doors: 2200
Price: 8 Euros
OT301, Overtoom 301, Amsterdam

Występuje (2)

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5 wybrało się

4 zainteresowane


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