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Maj 7

Paloma Faith & The Guy Barker Orchestra

Z Paloma Faith oraz Guy Barker w Montpellier Gardens

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Poniedziałek 7 Maj 2012 o 20:30


Montpellier Gardens
Cheltenham, United Kingdom

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Retro soul sensation Paloma Faith returns to Cheltenham to close the Festival with a world exclusive of her new album alongside the fabulous Guy Barker Orchestra. If you were at Paloma's 2010 show you will know this is something truly special and if you weren't then don't miss out this time! In this unforgettable one off show Paloma will take you on a journey of emotions in all her theatrical wonder treating us to unheard material from her new album while also paying homage to some of her most inspiring influences including the great Etta James

At the Big Top - Montpellier Gardens, Cheltenham
Ticket prices; £50, £48, £30.
Members Priority Ticket Booking: 13-19th February 2012
General Public Ticket Booking from 20th February 2012

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