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Kwi 23


Z Cate Le Bon w Village Underground

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Poniedziałek 23 Kwiecień 2012 o 19:30


Village Underground
54 Holywell Lane, London, EC2A 3PQ, United Kingdom

Tel: +44.(0)20 7422 7505


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Rockfeedback Concerts presents...


A highly successful 2010 was spent touring her debut LP Me Oh My described by Word magazine “As cymbals clash and keyboards whirl, imagine P J Harvey’s rawness tangling with Super Furry Animals’ prog and a vocalist who forgoes folk soft asides for delicious black humor”. Cate then ended the year contemplating and conjuring up her sophomore release.

Cate entered the studio with the nucleus of a record existing in her head, lyrical ideas swam in ether as did fully formed arrangements, but it wasn’t until she began recording that these disparate ideas were drawn together and her circus tent of a record rose from the gravel ground.

Drawing on her experiences from that heady 12 months, Cate created a collection of pop nuggets that sounded like they'd fallen off the back of a broken carousel, imbued with the playfulness of Faust, Syd Barrett and the tropical melodies of Os Mutantes and stitched together with a foreboding silken lyrical thread.

Existential word play abounds and fuzz fused guitar lines tear through like an angry bee in a CAN as Cate muses on matters of the heart and the magnetic pull of the ocean.


Tickets for this show are priced at £8 and are on sale now from the following links:




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