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Cze 27

Texas In July @ The Underworld Camden

Z Texas in July, Auburn oraz 2 wykonawców więcej w The Underworld

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Środa 27 Czerwiec 2012 o 18:00


The Underworld
174 Camden High Street, Camden, NW1 0NE, United Kingdom

Tel: +44-(0)20-7482 1932


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Texas In July + Auburn + We Die Tonight + Tides of Virtue

Texas in July is a metalcore band from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States formed in 2008.

Being one of the youngest bands in the local scene, with ages ranging from 18-21, Texas in July hails out of Ephrata, Pennsylvania. Texas in July can be described as nothing but dedicated to their music, fans and promoters. They are signed to CI Records. Back in the summer of 2009, Texas in July and An Early Ending started their tour together hitting Elmira, NY first and then to travel across the US.

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