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Maj 6

JT & The Clouds

Z JT & The Clouds oraz Paul Handyside w The Half Moon

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Niedziela 6 Maj 2012 o 19:00


The Half Moon
93 Lower Richmond Road, London, SW15 1EU, United Kingdom

Tel: +44-(0)20-8780 9383


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JT has been described as having the best white soul voice to come out of America in a generation. Their music is Chicago music - rough edged, sad, hopeful, and shot through with soul. Brother band to the wonderful group Po’Girl - their music is alive to the ever-shifting tides of modern indie music, but remains steeped in the city's fine traditions of soul, rhythm and blues.

5* Maverick

9/10 UK Americana

9/10 Indie Rock

“Achingly gorgeous. Slinky, vulnerable and reverent of the Memphis soul of yore.” Chicago Tribune

“It’s been said the ‘Rock N’ Roll Will Save Your Soul’, but who is there to save the soul of Rock and Roll? The answer to that question is Chicago based band JT & the Clouds” Reviewsic

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