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Czwartek 10 Maj 2012 o 19:30


Islington Mill
James Street, Salford, M3 5HW, United Kingdom

Tel: +44-(0)7947-649896


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Off with Their Heads, Now Wave & Copper Coins Presents...

GRIMES live at Islington Mill

//With an eccentric, dreamy and highly individual sound, GRIMES, 23 year old Montreal native, Claire Boucher, describes her music as 'post-internet', drawing upon everything from dupstep to disco, Eastern Music to 90's r 'n b.

She is also nothing short of prolific. In February of this year, she will release her fourth album, Visions, in the space of three years on legendary UK label 4AD.

We're tremendously excited to bring one of our favourite artists of the last few years to the intimate surrounding of Islington Mill.

For a taster of her sound, check these out:


\\ Thursday 10th May, 7.30pm

// Tickets are £8 in advance and available here: http://www.seetickets.com/Event/GRIMES/Islington-Mill/615421

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