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Lut 4

The Portraits @ Concert For Andy Ropek

Z The Portraits, Beaj Johnson oraz 12 wykonawców więcej w Blackheath Halls

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Sobota 4 Luty 2012 o 19:00


Blackheath Halls
23 Lee Road, London, SE3 9RQ, United Kingdom

Tel: 020 8463 0100


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This is a concert for a lovely guy called Andy Ropek who has been a huge support to us during our time navigating our way through the London music scene, and who died just before Christmas 2011. Andy handpicked the artists he really loved, unknowns who he felt merited a chance to be heard at his famous Icarus Club in Lewisham. Now we've been honoured to be invited to play a tribute concert to him at the amazing Blackheath Halls, which will undoubtedly be the best night we've ever played in London. And it will end with a Band Aid style finish, no less - all the musicians on stage to sing Andy's favourite song - and it's a classic - the perfect chance to see us make total eejits of ourselves. Do come along - its a really special one!

The PortraitsMishaped Pearls

Występuje (14)

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