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Lut 18

Bonobo (DJ Set)

Z Bonobo w Mezzanine

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Sobota 18 Luty 2012 o 22:00


444 Jessie Street, San Francisco, 94103, United States

Tel: 415 625 8880


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Bonobo returns to SF for another one of his notorious dj sets! It goes without saying he's one of the most original and exciting DJ/Producers on the planet right now and after an incredible live tour last year, he's back again for this exclusive DJ set. Simon Green set about building his DJ style in the same way he produces refreshingly original music, refusing to conform to the preconceived ideas of a laid back style, and aiming headlong for the dancefloor, with a heavy mixture of hip hop, weighty jazz, broken beats, Latin, funk, and soul, with the occasional cheeky bit of psyche rock and drum and bass thrown in. Just to keep you on yer toes right? Now a DJ of international repute, Bonobo has played all over the world, and recently played to huge audiences across the US and Europe with his live band. This progress culminated in Ninja Tune asking him to put together a Solid Steel mix album. Bugger the lounge, lets dance. The release of Black Sands last year catapulted Bonobo into the spotlight once again, receiving rave reviews from everyone from BBC, URB, Fader, Resident Advisor, and more. But it's his DJ sets that make you want to bounce on the floor all night, you just can't resist!

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