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Sty 15

Westbound Train

Z Westbound Train, Among Criminals oraz The Snails w World Cafe Live

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Niedziela 15 Styczeń 2012 o 20:00


World Cafe Live
3025 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, 19104, United States

Tel: 215-222-1400


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If the classic soul, smooth reggae, upbeat ska and distinctive storytelling found all over Westbound Train’s album, Come and Get It, has you stepping into your neighborhood record shop in search of Otis Redding, the Wailers, or The Specials, nobody would be more stoked than the members of Boston's best modern reggae/soul outfit.

…Westbound Train wants to be your gateway drug.

Shattering musical boundaries while embracing the best of several genres, the septet has fully come into their own with Come and Get It, their second Hellcat release.

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