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Mar 16

WHY? and Danielson

Z Why? oraz Danielson w (le) poisson rouge

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Piątek 16 Marzec 2012 o 19:30


(le) poisson rouge
158 Bleecker Street, New York, 10012, United States

Tel: 212-505-FISH


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An event within Carnegie Hall's 2012 American Mavericks Festival

Doors 6:30 p.m. / Show 7:30 p.m.
All Ages

This concert, hosted at (Le) Poisson Rouge, is a part of the American Mavericks festival hosted by Carnegie Hall and curated by Michael Tilson Thomas, Music Director of the San Francisco Symphony. This year's events are focusing on the composers, performers, and songwriters of San Francisco.

Hailing from the San Francisco area, WHY? defy classification. Their eclectic style ranges from hip-hop to folk, rock 'n roll to ambient, evolving and growing with each release. LPR is proud to host the groundbreaking songwriters of WHY? and Danielson as a part of the 2012 American Mavericks festival.

Danielson, the creative outlet of one Daniel Christopher Smith, is an ecstatic vision, a bracing encounter with winds wild and free. Intensely unique, at once jarring and comforting, courting both the surreal and the sublime, Danielson is as maverick as they come. Author Rick Moody (The Ice Storm, Garden State) writes: "Danielson has become a beautiful thinker in popular music, idiosyncratic but accomplished, whose major keys are always slipping away into minor keys, whose chord progressions are most often chromatic, always modulating, whose voice, somewhere in the area of two entire octaves, is in every register here, as though he has to be the entire chorus himself. ..the world is complex, slightly dangerous, full of temptations, but there is still grace, beauty, meaning, and the music that is required to suggest all this is anything but easy, but that doesn’t mean it is not rewarding, beautiful, funny, sad, and generous."

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