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Wrz 29

George Michael - Symphonica: The Orchestral Tour *RESCHEDULED DATE*

Z George Michael w Royal Albert Hall

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Sobota 29 Wrzesień 2012 o 20:00


Royal Albert Hall
Kensington Gore, London, SW7 2A, United Kingdom

Tel: 0845 401 5045


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Rescheduled from Wednesday 26 October 2011

George Michael returns to the stage as we've never seen him before. He will perform a carefully chosen selection of his own songs, spanning all his remarkable, near 30-year career, as well as covers of some of his favourite songs from other artists, with music being re-worked and re-arranged for the orchestra which will accompany him.

Symphonica: The Orchestral Tour will be his first European dates since the widely acclaimed 25Live tour concluded in 2008.

A much-loved, enduringly popular figure in music, George Michael has seen his career evolve from the era-defining pop of Wham! to a solo career of extraordinary lyrical beauty, genuine emotional depth and life-affirming melody.

Please note: ticket limit of 6 tickets per concert per customer; age limit of no under 5s.

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