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Lip 31


Z Philip Glass w Hamer Hall

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Wtorek 31 Lipiec 2012 o 20:00


Hamer Hall
Melbourne, Australia

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Experience the three visionary films of Godfrey Reggio and in a rare opportunity hear the musical scores performed by their legendary composer Philip Glass.

In a Melbourne premiere, Philip Glass and his Ensemble will perform live at each program creating an unforgettable film and music concert.

Reggio conceived these films over a period of 20 years using streams of raw, emotional and honest images, with no dialogue or linear narrative, to create three unique works of art and forging an entirely new form – concert cinema.

One of the defining composers of our time, Glass has reinvented the relationship between music and the moving image through working with Reggio to choreograph the music and images precisely.

Qatsi means life in the Hopi language and the trilogy is a powerful commentary on the planet we live on. Haunting and beautiful, the films explore the challenges and dangers humankind imposes on the world.

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