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Sobota 19 Maj 2012 o 19:00


Granada Theater
3524 Greenville Ave, Dallas, 75206, United States

Tel: 214-824-9933


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Graduating from the fuzzy, fumbling emotional cobwebs and draped ambiance of past records, Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming careens past its audience. Brazenly stretching out along the horizon, spilling glittery, golden arms of sound across the landscape, it holds your breath hostage without you even noticing you were missing it. If it seemed that Anthony was basking in the sunshine-drenched days of his youth when he released Saturdays in 2008, then it can be said that in 2011, at the age of 30, he is tempestuously charging towards his future with Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming.

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