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Maj 4

The Long March

Z Henry Rollins w Brisbane Powerhouse

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Piątek 4 Maj 2012 o 20:00


Brisbane Powerhouse
119 Lamington Street, New Farm, Brisbane, QLD 4005, Australia

Tel: (07) 3358 8622


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For better than a quarter century Henry Rollins has toured the world as a spoken word artist, as frontman for both Rollins Band and Black Flag and, without a microphone, as a solitary traveller with insatiable curiosity, bypassing the resorts in favour of places like Siberia and Senegal, or Burma and Bangladesh. His curiosity and hunger for experienced based knowledge, teamed with his willingness to travel, his no-holds-barred delivery of his opinions and observations, and wicked sense of humour make him one of the most inspiring and interesting commentators / entertainers of a generation.

He returns to Australia in 2012 brimming with tales of recent exploits all packed together under the banner of The Long March. With three sold out Brisbane Powerhouse Theatre performances in 2010, be sure to get your tickets early!

"For a man who has spent so many years of his life placing his emotions on the line for the sake of art, Henry Rollins has built a two-hour show that connects, above all, emotionally. We may never go to North Korea, or a Johnny Cash show or be awarded any award named after Nelson Mandela, but it’s a testament to the strength of Henry’s mind and his powerful control of language that those of us in attendance felt like we did." - FASTER LOUDER 2011

Duration: 3hrs, no interval

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