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Gru 2

Halcyon presents: The Christmas Ball

Z Hallucinogen, Ade oraz 20 wykonawców więcej w The Coronet

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Piątek 2 Grudzień 2011 o 22:00


The Coronet
28 New Kent Road, London, SE1 6TJ, United Kingdom


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We’re back! And ready once again to unleash a mind-bending extravaganza, with an extraordinary selection of international artists, record labels and crew for London’s trancendental Christmas gathering of its psychedelic family. Overcoming the setbacks of the past few months has been a challenge, but the cancellation of our August event has galvanised our desire to produce a spectacular event and end 2011 with a bang. To make this extra-special, we’re combining the forces of the two massive pioneering labels HOMmega Productions and Twisted Records showcasing their top performers in the main room. Cutting-edge London-based labels Mutagen Records and Liquid Records host Rooms 2 & 3. And for all those who just don’t want to go home at 7am, we’ve arranged a very special afterparty at the legendary Corsica Studios, 2 mins walk from the venue.

Występuje (22)

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13 wybrało się

5 zainteresowanych


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