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Maj 11

Indie Éire Party

Z Condra, PETEE oraz [vc]* w The Gingerman Pub

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Piątek 11 Maj 2007 o 19:30


The Gingerman Pub

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On Friday May the 11th...

Cansei de Ser Sexy, Ash, Justice, Datarock, The Pigeon Detectives, The Enemy, Erol Alkan, DIRECTOR, Aslan, The Immediate, Channel One, delorentos, The Blizzards, Warlords of Pez, Noise Control, The Flaws, Aleko, The Last Tycoons, Hot Chip DJ’s will be all playing at the Trinity Ball.

If you…

• Didn’t manage to get tickets
• Suffer an allergy to ball gowns or tuxedos
• Left college a good while ago and cannot be arsed

…you will be glad to hear that:

The first Indie Éire Party is finally here!

To celebrate that we are over 100 indie heads, Indie Éire is throwing a party on May the 11th from 19:30 in The Gingerman Pub, right behind the Trinity Ball.

Music will be served as a hot dish by:

* : Indie Éire’s chart classics
Petee : 50% Indie tunes 50% other ingredients
Condra : 300% Electro shit

No admission fee!

Make room in your diaries for Indie Éire’s first party!

Mark you attendance in this page!

*Further information will be published in Indie Éire

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