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Sty 14

Absu - The Connexus Conjuration Tour 2012

Z Absu, A Million Dead Birds Laughing oraz 3 wykonawców więcej w East Brunswick Club Hotel

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Sobota 14 Styczeń 2012 o 20:00


East Brunswick Club Hotel
280 Lygon Street, Brunswick East, 3057, Australia

Tel: +61-(0)3-9388 9794


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Australia - prepare for the imminent arrival of one of metal's most cult and influential acts!! January 2012 will see the legendary mythological black metal occultists Absu perform on Australian soil for the first time - headlining the Australian Connexus Conjuration Tour. Formed in 1991 in the depths of the bleak and arid Texan desert, Absu have immortalised themselves as one of the most important bands in the history of the Black and Underground metal movement; releasing 6 critically acclaimed albums and several EPs / 7"s in their 20 year career.

* A Million Dead Birds Laughing 8.15-8.40
* Encircling Sea 9.00-9.25
* Ruins (Tas) 9.45-10.15
* Portal (QLD) 10.35-11.10
* ABSU (USA) 11.30-12.30 *

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