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Gru 16

Pink Martini

Z Pink Martini w Berklee Performance Center

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Piątek 16 Grudzień 2011 o 19:00


Berklee Performance Center
136 Massachusetts Ave., Boston, MA, 02115, United States

Tel: (617) 747-2261


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Somewhere between a 1930s Cuban dance orchestra, a classical chamber music ensemble, a Brazilian street band and Japanese film noir is Pink Martini. Influenced by Latin music, jazz, cabaret, cinema scores and more, Pink Martini brings melodies and rhythms from different parts of the world together to create an eclectic, modern sound. This special December concert will feature songs from the band's best-selling, multi-denominational holiday album, Joy to the World, released in 2010. Alongside a myriad of seasonal songs the show will also highlight signature selections from all of Pink Martini's albums. In the absence of the band's regular singer China Forbes, who is currently recovering from throat surgery, band leader/pianist Thomas Lauderdale will feature world renowned guest singers, to be announced shortly.

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