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Paź 20

Circle Vs Secret Chiefs 3

Z Circle, a.P.A.t.T. oraz 3 wykonawców więcej w Islington Mill

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Czwartek 20 Październik 2011 o 18:00


Islington Mill
James Street, Salford, M3 5HW, United Kingdom

Tel: +44-(0)7947-649896


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Circle is an experimental rock-music band, founded in Pori, Finland in 1991.Their eclectic style is "ever changing, ever Circular", classified into genres such as progressive, Krautrock, ambient, heavy metal, speed-kraut, and avant-rock, among others. Secret Chiefs 3 were founded by guitar and saz player Trey Spruance and features members of MR. Bungle. Their music styles vary throughout their albums with their performance of surf rock, Persian, death metal, and other various styles – the only thing unifying the diverse range of styles they play is how precisely and accurately they play them.
Support from Charlie Barnes And The Geeks, Trojan Horse and a.P.A.t.T

Tickets are £11 from We Got Tickets http://www.wegottickets.com/event/135283

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