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Sie 20

LAKE R▲DIO & EFS Friends Live

Z LAKE R▲DIO, Connectedness Locus oraz Heat Peanuts w The Oasis

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Sobota 20 Sierpień 2011 o 18:00


The Oasis
151 Hawley St, Grayslake, IL, 60030, United States


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This is an album release show for Connectedness Locus as well as a rare opportunity to see a LAKE R▲DIO live performance!

That's right, folks. Connectedness Locus will be churning out some new music with a few surprises to add!

Joining him on the quest for audio supremacy in the Northern wastes of Illinois are fellow Endless Field Studios artists LAKE R▲DIO and Heat Peanuts. Even non-EFS artists will come along such as Yao Guai, Mothership, and Convolution.

151 Hawley St, Grayslake, IL | $5 | 6PM

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