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Lip 23

We Love Louis

Z Leroy Jones, Clairdee oraz Todd Gordon w The Queen's Hall

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Sobota 23 Lipiec 2011 o 20:30


The Queen's Hall
87-89 Clerk Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9JG, United Kingdom

Tel: +44-(0)131-668 3456


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The legendary trumpet player and singer Louis Armstrong defined jazz at its birth and went on to become one of the greatest entertainers of the 20th Century. This show features the well-loved songs associated with Louis including Hello Dolly, What A Wonderful World, Blueberry Hill, When The Saints Go Marching In and many more. Ten years ago, the foremost traditional New Orleans trumpeter of our time, Leroy Jones, was the star of the Festival’s Armstrong centenary concert. He agreed to come back to play the Louis role, with another top US singer, Clairdee. Scotland's leading male interpreter of these classic songs, Todd Gordon, hosts the evening with an all-star international band.

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