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Lip 12

Congotronics vs Rockers

Z Wildbirds & Peacedrums, Deerhoof oraz 5 wykonawców więcej w Barbican Centre

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Wtorek 12 Lipiec 2011 o 19:30


Barbican Centre
Silk Street, London, EC2Y 8DS, United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)20 7638 8891


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Electro-traditional music of Congolese street party band Konono N°1 and their infamous home-made amplification system and makeshift junkyard percussion was first introduced to western audiences by Crammed Records in 2004. Their wild, otherworldly music was compared to both Kraftwerk and Lee Perry by critics and won them fans from Beck and Thom Yorke to Herbie Hancock and Björk (whose last album they plyed on). An inspired series of albums followed, under the collective moniker of Congrotronics, featuring amongst others the Kasai Allstars, and a phenomenon was born.

Inspired by the recent Tradi-Mods vs Rockers album on Crammed, featuring remixes of Konono N°1 and Kasai Allstars by some of alternative music’s coolest names, tonight’s bespoke show features an awe-inspiring ensemble of 19 Congolese and Western musicians. Together they explore and re-invent some of contemporary music’s most unique music in a joyful homage to a shared musical DNA. Expect to be intrigued, enthralled and uplifted as you dance the night away.

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