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Sty 23

The Los Angeles Music Video Festival After Party

Z Lemon Sun, Kisses oraz 2 wykonawców więcej w Echoplex

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Niedziela 23 Styczeń 2011


1154 Glendale Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90026, United States

Tel: +1-(213)-413-8200


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The Los Angeles Music Video Festival will exist with one purpose: to celebrate the art of the music video. While many film festivals have music video categories, there is no annual live festival in the United States (and only a handful in the world) dedicated to the format 100%. LAMVF will provide an opportunity for aspiring musicians and aspiring filmmakers to showcase their music videos. More importantly, the Festival will bring together the independent music and independent film communities of Los Angeles in a celebration of local musical talent and creativity like never before.

If you make music, make videos, like music videos or know anyone who does, come be a part of the movement!

Festival tickets on sale now at www.lamvf.com!

8pm / $10 / 18+

Występuje (4)

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3 zainteresowane


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