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Paź 31

Alien Sex Fiend - live in London - Halloween

Z Alien Sex Fiend oraz Mechanical Cabaret w Electric Ballroom

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Niedziela 31 Październik 2010 o 19:30


Electric Ballroom
184 Camden High Street, London, NW1 8QP, United Kingdom


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Alien Sex Fiend present "A Halloween Death Trip" on 31st October.

A ghoulish spider-webbed stage set, comprising mutilated mannequins, assorted severed body parts, skulls, bones and garbage cans, acts as the backdrop. With Mrs Fiend's analogue armada of twisted and mutated
sounds driving the spontaneous, insane antics of ringleader, Nik Fiend - expect the unexpected! - the gruesome twosome will be aided and abetted by the mysterious Gonzo, long-term ally and henchman on wig-city guitar.

Alien Sex Fiend will be blasting out songs spanning their entire career. From early hits like "R.I.P.", "I Walk The Line" and the classic "Now I'm Feeling Zombiefied", through to flashes to the future with one or two tasters from their new album Death Trip, the hair raising Alien Sex Fiend Live Experience is a total audio visual assault.


TICKETS ON SALE NOW via http://www.ticketweb.co.uk

More info & more ticket links at

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