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Lis 6

Embers: An evening with Tunng & friends

Z Tunng, GaBLé oraz 2 wykonawców więcej w HMV Forum

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Sobota 6 Listopad 2010 o 19:00


HMV Forum
9-17 Highgate Road, London, NW5 1JY, United Kingdom

Tel: +44.(0)20 7428 4099


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£14.00 + cost

Tunng are an experimental folk band which formed in 2003 in London. They are often associated with the folktronica genre due to the electronic influences evident in some of their work.

The band released their fourth album And Then We Saw Land earlier this year. The record is packed with big choruses and joyful tunes. “We wanted to make a record that would be a great live set,” says Mike. “My friend described it as ‘Epic Folk Disco Brass Magnificent,’ and I’m not sure you could call any other Tunng record that.”

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